Intense Pulsated Light Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light or better known as IPL is a skin treatment that uses lasers, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy to treat skin conditions and remove effects of photo-aging such as wrinkles, spots, and textures


Skin Dynamics Trios
IPL Solution

Trios by Viora offers leading IPL solutions for the most widely requested medical aesthetic treatments, including Hair Removal, Skin Rejuvenation, and Acne Clearance.

Trios treatments are backed by over two decades of engineering experience in IPL based systems, Viora’s Trios offers versatile applications that enable you to expand your treatment portfolio. Not only are Trios advanced IPL procedures fast and comfortable, but patients also get to see visible results after their very first treatment! A highly reliable device, Trios delivers uncompromising performance, safety and efficiency on all levels.

Viora uses a good aesthetic design with the Trios advanced phototherapy system to make it fully functional. This works for removing hair, treating lesions, clearing acne and other functions relating to skincare.

This is easy to manage and can work within any clinical situation.
This works with a high power control with many skin controls to make it easier to manage. This is an accurate item that is effective and works for making sure that all treatments are set up as needed. This also uses a well-built body that is simple for the user to handle as it does not need much of a setup to work.
This is also easy to adjust and can show off effective results in a brief period of time. It is portable and made with the backing of a full R&D team that works with decades of experience to ensure that the item in question is useful for all phototherapy functions.


Features & Benefits:

  • Long-term hair removal for normal hair growth and Hirsutism

  • Rejuvenates skin, reducing vascular and pigmented lesions

  • Smooths fine lines and wrinkles

  • Balances skin pigmentation caused by sun damage & age spots

  • Acne clearance

  • Powerful energy – 22J/cm2 at skin level as opposed to lamp level energy

  • Large spot size – 7.5 cm2 short interval between pulses every 2 seconds

  • Safe treatments with minimal discomfort – Unique air cooling system

  • A user-friendly device, easy to operate

  • 15 computerised program settings to ensure maximum results

  • Clinically proven, visible results from the first treatment

  • 100,000 pulses per handpiece


IPL Treatments


Acne Clearance

Isn’t it time you started feeling secure in your own skin?

Trios is armed with acne-fighting skills that will help you face the world with confidence!
Trios doesn’t just trigger the surface of stubborn scars. It works deep down under your skin to destroy acne-causing bacteria and slow the production of excess sebaceous oil, which means significantly fewer breakouts

The Trios treatment also encourages a healing process at the core of the skin to promote cell growth for fresher, clearer complexion you can be proud of.

Improvement in the quality of your skin can be seen after the first treatment, with continued progress over time. The recommended treatment course is 2 treatments per week as required (typically 8 - 12 treatments).

Skin Rejuvenation

Need a lift? Gain confidence and make way for smooth, clear skin!

Trios is designed to help you put your best face forward and reveal healthy, supple skin that will leave you glowing with confidence.

Trios safely and gently applies concentrated flashes of light that target sun spots, age spots, loose skin and wrinkles to encourage collagen production and promote the restructuring of the skin.

Immediately after the first treatment, you will notice a more balanced complexion and feel your skin become smooth and supple.

Skin Rejuvenation addresses different symptoms of aging skin such as:

  • pigmentation/sunspots

  • superficial veins

  • fine lines and wrinkles

For best results, a treatment course of 6 - 10 sessions is recommended at 2 - 3 week intervals.

Hair Removal

Make the cut! Enjoy the freedom of spontaneity and get rid of unwanted hair in a flash with Trios.

Trios applies concentrated flashes of safe, visible light to remove unwanted hair from all parts of the body, without harming the surrounding tissue. The treatment is fast, effective and most importantly, poses no risks to the patient.

Each hair contains a pigment (melanin) that absorbs the light and converts it into heat. The absorbed heat targets the hair follicle and impairs its ability to produce new hair, the Trios system is designed to work on all skin types from light to dark according to the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Definition 1 - 5.

Results are visible from the very first treatment and a series of 6 - 10 sessions is recommended to deliver long term hair-free results to the treated area.




How is an IPL Photo Rejuvenation Treatment carried out?

You will be asked to put on goggles (stick on laser eye shields may be used for facial rejuvenation treatments) to protect your eyes. A layer of chilled gel is applied to the area to guide the light into the skin. The area will also be cooled to increase comfort during treatment. The light guide is placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released, targeting many follicles simultaneously. The applicator is then moved to the neighbouring area of skin and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The chilled gel is removed and the area moisturised.

What happens during a hair removal treatment?

It begins by trimming away the hair above the skin, usually by shaving (on your first hair removal treatment we may ask that you shave approx 3 days prior so we may see the area but not have a thick growth of hair to remove).  Then, a cool gel is spread over the treatment area. The IPL handpiece is then applied to the skin and pulses of light are released from the handpiece and begin to disable unwanted hair. When the gel is removed, much of the treated hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out over the next two weeks and for up to 30 days.

After treatments, what precautions should I take?

After treatment, prevent sun exposure by applying sunblock – SPF 30 or above.  The Natural Beauty Spot recommends a reflective SPF, ie True Solutions SPF 30. In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers; don’t use Vitamin A or glycolic acid products on the area for approx 48 hours. The Therapist will also advise you of any additional precautions.

What body areas can be treated?

Almost any area of the body can be treated and the most common areas we treat are the legs, back, back of the neck, upper lip, chin, underarms, stomach, bikini line, face, chest, etc.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments required will vary from person and also the treatment area.  For most people, an average of eight to ten sessions are required to permanently reduce hair in the bikini or underarm area and we find that clients are amazed at the results one photo rejuvenation treatment can do. Various factors that come into play with the number of treatments such as the colour of your hair and skin, as well as factors such as hormone levels, hair follicle size and hair cycles.

How long do the treatments take?

We can treat some areas within 15 minutes. Others, such as the back or legs, may require 30-60 minutes. Our experienced IPL Therapist can advise you of the approx required time for treatment.

IPL Hair Removal Pricing








Make the cut! Enjoy the freedom of spontaneity and get rid of unwanted hair in a flash with Trios.

Trios applies concentrated flashes of safe, visible light to remove unwanted hair from all parts of the body, without harming the surrounding tissue. The treatment is fast, effective and most importantly, poses no risks to the patient.


IPL Skin Rejuvenation Treatment


$220 - 1 Hour

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a way to improve the colour and texture of your skin without surgery. It can undo some of the visible damage caused by sun exposure -- called photoaging. You may notice it mostly on your face, neck, hands, or chest.

IPL may help if you have red, brown, or splotchy skin because of a health condition.